Thursday, July 25, 2013

Christmas in July

Auditions for Christmas productions are already being held.  There are a couple of shows I'd be interested in auditioning for so I recently started brushing up my Christmas caroling skills.  I love, love, love Christmas music (especially the more traditional songs and hymns) but I am not sure I could handle 5-6 months of rehearsing Christmas music.  I think I'd be over the Christmas spirit by the time December rolled around...

Anyway, all this Christmas music singing inspired Patrick and I to have a Christmas in July celebration.  We baked gingerbread cookies, watched "A White Christmas," and exchanged gifts.  It  really felt like Christmas, except for the fact that the temperature was 101 degrees outside and nearly as hot inside of our apartment.

We unpacked our little Christmas tree and our ornament collection, which has a total of 5 pieces. Maybe we'll have a real tree this Christmas and have an excuse to buy more!

Patrick gave me the sweetest card that he made himself.  I am impressed by his expert card-making skills!

No, my gift to Patrick wasn't sweet or sentimental.  I gave him a head scratcher thingy. Patrick really was as ecstatic as he looks in this picture. He has always wanted one!

I used coconut oil and whole wheat oil and the cookies turned out healthily delicious. 

Expert card-maker and cookie cutter. I sure have a talented husband!
 It made me giggle each time Patrick or I would wish each other a 'Merry Christmas.' Can we count our July celebration as our 2nd Christmas together? Hmmm.....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Twilight  Concert Series has arrived!  And no, these concerts have absolutely nothing to do with the Twilight books, in case you were thinking that.  The concert series is a summer line-up of different bands and singers sponsored by the Salt Lake City Arts Council.  Yet another favorite summer tradition!

Belle & Sebastian played the opening concert.  I met up with Heidi and Jackie and saw Austin for approximately 5 minutes before he headed off to hang out with his younger and cooler friends.  It's ok, I know I'm getting old. I still love going to concerts but I definitely prefer sitting down and taking it all in rather than trying to be in the middle of all of it.

I wasn't super familiar with Belle & Sebastian (I did recognize several of their songs from Pandora) but it didn't matter.  There is nothing better than just sitting outside with friends and listening to music.  Plus, events like this draw such an eclectic group of people.  Let's just say, there was always something to be entertained by.

Visit to see the 2013 summer line-up.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Movie Under the Stars

I can't say it enough...there is so much to do in SLC during the summer!  I wish it was summer all year round (just minus the 100 degree weather)! Another must-do summertime activity is going to an outdoor movie.  Many parks in the Salt Lake valley host these free movie nights but the best is Movie Under the Stars at the Capitol building.

Its probably because I've watched "The Wedding Planner" way too many times, but I think outdoor movies make such a romantic date.  Friday night Patrick and I met up with Heidi and her nephews plus some other friends to watch "The Amazing Spiderman." Not exactly a romantic movie and we were with a bunch of people so we couldn't be too lovey-dovey, but it still made for a great night out!(Audrey Hepburn movies will be featured in August and that seems more appropriate for a romantic movie date!)

Patrick hauling all of our movie watching gear up the hill.  I love the view at the Capitol. If you come out for a movie, definitely take the time to walk around a bit.

Heidi came early and saved good spots on the grass for everyone. Thank you!

 All day it threatened to rain.  There was some lightening throughout the movie but no rain in sight. It ended up being a lovely night for movie watching.

Friday, July 12, 2013

We Love Baseball!

Mom and I went to a Bee's Game on Wednesday.  She asked me, "When did you know that you loved baseball?"  I told her that I feel in love with it the summer when both Jay and Austin were playing baseball and it seemed we were at the ballpark every night watching one of them play.  It was so nice just to be outside with the beautiful Mission Mountains as the backdrop, cheering the boys on and eating Red Vines.  Mom said that she feel in love with baseball from going to all the Minnesota Twin's games with her dad.  I wish I could have gone to a game with Frenchie.  I hear he was quite the wild fan!
I just love that Mom has a Beatle's shirt!

I think I am good luck. The Bee's won both of the games I went to.  Guess I need to go more often!

Dinner Guests

Although our new place isn't completely organized or decorated yet, we thought it was looking presentable enough to have over our first dinner guests, Heidi and Kayla.  Us girls are taking a little road trip out to Montana at the end of the month and we needing to meet for a planning session.  Patrick and I went to IKEA the day before to pick up a couple of things for the apartment and I was so excited with our new folding chairs.  No more sitting on the ottoman whenever we have people over for dinner! Yay!

As I was setting the table I commented on how cute everything looked together.  Patrick asked if I wanted to take a photo.  He sure knows me well.  Cute = Better take a picture :)

I am waiting for a few more touches to be completed and then I'll post lots of apartment photos.  Hopefully this post will tie everyone over for now!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Farmer's Market

The Farmer's Market is the best place for fresh produce, beautiful art and crafts, and people watching.  There is something fascinating everywhere you look.  Yes, the Market is one of my most looked forward to summer outings.

Now that he has his Saturdays free, Patrick finally had the opportunity to tag along with me to the Farmer's Market.  Seriously, we are loving his new schedule!  I knew he would enjoy the Market, but to make sure he'd want to come with me again, I shared my watermelon-lemonade with him.  SqueezeMe Lemonade is the best I've ever had and worth the trip alone.  Oh, I am getting thirsty just think about its deliciousness!

Downtown Salt Lake is fun to wander around even if you don't have a set agenda.  I love seeing all the random statues, artwork, and murals.  And there are so many beautiful buildings.  The buildings around Pioneer Park make the industrial look feel cool.


The Downtown Farmer's Market runs through mid-October so you still have plenty of time to go experience one the best summer activities in SLC!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Three Dog Night

Friday night we met up with my parents in Tooele for the Three Dog Night concert. Patrick and I weren't familiar with the band but my mom promised we would recognize some of their songs. 

It was very overcast and we were worried that the concert might not happen.  However, the rain held off long enough for the show to get underway.  My mom was right, I did recognize some of their music and when I realized these are the guys who sing the "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" song, I got excited.  I knew that song well enough that I could sing along if I wanted to!

Well, a little over an hour into the show the heavens opened and the most massive raindrops began to fall.  We grab our umbrellas and ran to the car as fast as we could!  I didn't get to hear the one song I actually knew! Boo!  I wasn't the only disappointed fan.  People started chanting "Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" as they tried to convince the band to keep performing despite the rain and lightening!

Even though it ended the concert early, I secretly love summer rainstorms. And although Patrick is making a scared face, he does too!

July 4th

We hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!
My favorite Independence Day memories are those of Clint Burnett and the parties he hosted at his beautiful home in Arlee, MT.  Clint passed away a little while back but I will never forget his warm handshakes and kind personality. He was such a gentle giant!  Always one of my favorite people to say hello to each Sunday at church. :)
Clint made the most amazing fry bread and eating lots of it was always the highlight of his Fourth of July parties for me!  I really wanted to eat some fry bread this holiday in his honor.  When Noni heard of my plans, she invited me and Patrick over for breakfast so she could make funnel cake, which is like a cousin to fry bread.
Here is the expert at work.  I have to be honest, I've never fried anything in my life so I am glad Noni knew what to do!
She did let Patrick and I both try our hand at cooking some funnel cakes.  Pete was happy that we hardly made any splatters.  He was very concerned about this!
We also enjoyed bacon and Spam, both of which were cooked in lots of brown sugar.  Because it was a holiday we didn't feel too guilty for indulging a bit!
Noni and Pete also cooked an amazing dinner for us.  There was pork, corn on the cob, and asparagus- all prepared on the grill. (I think grilled corn on the cob is just about the best thing ever! You must try it!)
We spent most of the day lounging around just visiting while we recovered from all the food!
After dinner, Patrick and I drove up to Layton to listen to the New American Philharmonic Symphony with Cannoneers play at the Ed Kenley Amphitheater.  It was nice to just sit and enjoy some patriotic music.
On our drive home, we could see all the fireworks going off around the valley.  I am so happy Patrick has holidays off at his new job so we can enjoy days like this together!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Zumba Fitness!

I love Zumba so much!  Why?  Well, it is a fitness class but it doesn't feel like you are working out at all!  It is a party!  Don't believe me?  Then come on down to Studio Azul on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am.  I am so excited to have my first teaching gig, which I'm sure you can tell by the number of exclamation marks I've used in this post!!!

I am taking over this class because the original teacher is pregnant and is no longer feeling up to teaching it.  The class attendance has been small but I am really hoping to get more people coming.  This is where you can help... The first class is free so you have no excuse to not come and check it out.  Bring a friend! Visit for address and more info.  Yay!!!