Friday, July 12, 2013

Dinner Guests

Although our new place isn't completely organized or decorated yet, we thought it was looking presentable enough to have over our first dinner guests, Heidi and Kayla.  Us girls are taking a little road trip out to Montana at the end of the month and we needing to meet for a planning session.  Patrick and I went to IKEA the day before to pick up a couple of things for the apartment and I was so excited with our new folding chairs.  No more sitting on the ottoman whenever we have people over for dinner! Yay!

As I was setting the table I commented on how cute everything looked together.  Patrick asked if I wanted to take a photo.  He sure knows me well.  Cute = Better take a picture :)

I am waiting for a few more touches to be completed and then I'll post lots of apartment photos.  Hopefully this post will tie everyone over for now!

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