Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 4th

We hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!
My favorite Independence Day memories are those of Clint Burnett and the parties he hosted at his beautiful home in Arlee, MT.  Clint passed away a little while back but I will never forget his warm handshakes and kind personality. He was such a gentle giant!  Always one of my favorite people to say hello to each Sunday at church. :)
Clint made the most amazing fry bread and eating lots of it was always the highlight of his Fourth of July parties for me!  I really wanted to eat some fry bread this holiday in his honor.  When Noni heard of my plans, she invited me and Patrick over for breakfast so she could make funnel cake, which is like a cousin to fry bread.
Here is the expert at work.  I have to be honest, I've never fried anything in my life so I am glad Noni knew what to do!
She did let Patrick and I both try our hand at cooking some funnel cakes.  Pete was happy that we hardly made any splatters.  He was very concerned about this!
We also enjoyed bacon and Spam, both of which were cooked in lots of brown sugar.  Because it was a holiday we didn't feel too guilty for indulging a bit!
Noni and Pete also cooked an amazing dinner for us.  There was pork, corn on the cob, and asparagus- all prepared on the grill. (I think grilled corn on the cob is just about the best thing ever! You must try it!)
We spent most of the day lounging around just visiting while we recovered from all the food!
After dinner, Patrick and I drove up to Layton to listen to the New American Philharmonic Symphony with Cannoneers play at the Ed Kenley Amphitheater.  It was nice to just sit and enjoy some patriotic music.
On our drive home, we could see all the fireworks going off around the valley.  I am so happy Patrick has holidays off at his new job so we can enjoy days like this together!

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