Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Zumba Fitness!

I love Zumba so much!  Why?  Well, it is a fitness class but it doesn't feel like you are working out at all!  It is a party!  Don't believe me?  Then come on down to Studio Azul on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am.  I am so excited to have my first teaching gig, which I'm sure you can tell by the number of exclamation marks I've used in this post!!!

I am taking over this class because the original teacher is pregnant and is no longer feeling up to teaching it.  The class attendance has been small but I am really hoping to get more people coming.  This is where you can help... The first class is free so you have no excuse to not come and check it out.  Bring a friend! Visit for address and more info.  Yay!!!

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