Friday, June 28, 2013

The Move

I wish I could snap my fingers and our new apartment would be all moved in, organized, and decorated. As much as I like to think I am Mary Poppins, I do not have her magical snapping powers which is why Patrick is having a grilled cheese and tomato soup picnic in our living room!

We are loving our new place despite the chaos. At night, I have a hard time falling asleep because I can't stop thinking about how I want to arrange and decorate everything. I function best in an orderly (and cute) home and have to remind myself to be patient. It may not all come together overnight but we'll get there. (And you'll know when it does because I'll post a zillion photos!)

We owe lots of thanks to Ma and Pa Jensen for letting us borrow their truck and trailer. Jay came and shared his muscle power. We were hoping to have more help, but it ended up that Jay and Patrick moved all our big and heavy items by themselves. Amazing! Also, thanks to Aubrey and Grant for hanging out with us. Grant kept us all entertained. What would we do without family?!

We went to our new ward on Sunday. This is where we learned our new place is referred to as the "Mormon Four-Plex!" Haha! We can't wait to invite you over soon to see it for yourself!

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