Thursday, July 25, 2013

Christmas in July

Auditions for Christmas productions are already being held.  There are a couple of shows I'd be interested in auditioning for so I recently started brushing up my Christmas caroling skills.  I love, love, love Christmas music (especially the more traditional songs and hymns) but I am not sure I could handle 5-6 months of rehearsing Christmas music.  I think I'd be over the Christmas spirit by the time December rolled around...

Anyway, all this Christmas music singing inspired Patrick and I to have a Christmas in July celebration.  We baked gingerbread cookies, watched "A White Christmas," and exchanged gifts.  It  really felt like Christmas, except for the fact that the temperature was 101 degrees outside and nearly as hot inside of our apartment.

We unpacked our little Christmas tree and our ornament collection, which has a total of 5 pieces. Maybe we'll have a real tree this Christmas and have an excuse to buy more!

Patrick gave me the sweetest card that he made himself.  I am impressed by his expert card-making skills!

No, my gift to Patrick wasn't sweet or sentimental.  I gave him a head scratcher thingy. Patrick really was as ecstatic as he looks in this picture. He has always wanted one!

I used coconut oil and whole wheat oil and the cookies turned out healthily delicious. 

Expert card-maker and cookie cutter. I sure have a talented husband!
 It made me giggle each time Patrick or I would wish each other a 'Merry Christmas.' Can we count our July celebration as our 2nd Christmas together? Hmmm.....

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