Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Twilight  Concert Series has arrived!  And no, these concerts have absolutely nothing to do with the Twilight books, in case you were thinking that.  The concert series is a summer line-up of different bands and singers sponsored by the Salt Lake City Arts Council.  Yet another favorite summer tradition!

Belle & Sebastian played the opening concert.  I met up with Heidi and Jackie and saw Austin for approximately 5 minutes before he headed off to hang out with his younger and cooler friends.  It's ok, I know I'm getting old. I still love going to concerts but I definitely prefer sitting down and taking it all in rather than trying to be in the middle of all of it.

I wasn't super familiar with Belle & Sebastian (I did recognize several of their songs from Pandora) but it didn't matter.  There is nothing better than just sitting outside with friends and listening to music.  Plus, events like this draw such an eclectic group of people.  Let's just say, there was always something to be entertained by.

Visit to see the 2013 summer line-up.

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