Monday, August 5, 2013

The Summer Buddies in Montana!

I love Montana. Love, love, LOVE Montana.  Got it?  I am always so happy when I can take a little trip up north to visit.  This year I was hoping I could take Patrick along, show him the sites, and help him fall in love with my favorite place, too.  But he had to go and get a new job at Discover, which means he has to spend the summer in training with absolutely no time off and so my plan was ruined.  Boo. (I really am grateful for his new job, just not the no-time-off part). 

I mentioned to my friends Heidi and Kayla that I would be driving up to Montana all alone and next thing I knew they had decided to come along. Yippee!  The first ever Summer Buddies Roadtrip!

*Warning*  There are a TON of photos from this trip.  I plan to divide them into several posts over the next week so you don't get overwhelmed. Hope you enjoy them and feel inspired to visit MT yourself!

Here we are on the road dancing to DJ Heidi's musical selections.

We came up on the Montana sign sooner than I expect.  Kayla had to slam on the breaks to stop in time!

I can't even describe how excited I get to see this sign!

We stopped in Dillon, MT for a picnic lunch.  The spot where we picnicked had the nicest war memorial, which unfortunately we could only view long enough to get a photo due to some pesky mosquitos.  We each got multiple bites!

Stopping at the Carousel for Missoula is a must for anyone visiting Montana.  Reaching speeds of nearly 8 MPH, it is one of the fastest carousels around!

Each horse is hand-carved and painted. Incredible!

While visiting the Carousel we stumbled across a Celtic Festival taking place at Caras Park.

I couldn't wait to show off our breathtaking Mission Mountains!

I am so, so glad we didn't see/hear any rattlesnakes. We were scared by bees on the trip. I do not think we could have handled snakes!

The Summer Buddies!



  1. Remember how I'm a school teacher and don't work for 3 months?! I want to go on a road trip with you next summer :)
    PS - happy birthday!! We need to go get frozen yogurt sometime and celebrate.

  2. Will you be my summer road trip buddy next year?! Thanks for the b-day wishes! Yes, lets celebrate soon. And come to Zumba. You only have a couple more weeks of freedom!!!
