Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Real Reason We Drove to Montana...

I've mentioned in past blog posts that Heidi has great style.  When I am out and about shopping I often spot an article of clothing or accessory that screams HEIDI!  When Heidi mentioned earlier this year that she wanted to re-pierce her ears (the holes had long since closed up), I was all about it... I constantly saw earrings that I could see her looking fabulous in.  To encourage her to go ahead with her plans, I volunteered to be her hand-holder during the piercing process.

Well, time past and her ears remained hole-less.  Finally, we decided the Montana trip would be the perfect time to get the job done.  We stopped at the Claire's in Missoula on the first day our trip.  You might say the real reason we drove to Montana was to get Heidi's ears pierce. ;)

Signing her life away.

No reason to be scared when there's a special Claire's bear to squeeze.

The girl who did the piercings was awesome.  She took time to get the holes even and did a quick (and almost painless) job.

The finished product.  Love the pearls!

Heidi's fabulous support team!

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