Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Food, Glorious Food!

There are certain foods I will always associate with life in Montana; Indian tacos, bison burgers, and huckleberry shakes, to name a few.  Sure, I could probably find these foods in Utah if I tried, but it feels disloyal eating them anywhere outside of Montana!

We were able to enjoy all three of my favorites at a little ma and pa restaurant in Ravalli (which is the town just before you reach St.Ignatius) called the Bison Inn Cafe. We decided to order a bit of everything and split it onto three plates.  So, so good!

We had the nicest waitress who was sweet enough to take some photos for us.

The servings were huge!  Even with us splitting everything, we couldn't finish it all off!

Heidi's first taste of Montana huckleberries.

I think Kayla likes it!

All those years of stopping by the Bison Inn Cafe and never noticing the bison in the bun until now! Love it!

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