Wednesday, August 7, 2013


We had a nice, lazy Sunday in Montana.  I always look forward to going to church at the St.Ignatius Ward.  It is the perfect chance to catch up with some wonderful people.  The Ward has fewer people than it use to and the chapel seems smaller than I remember, but other than that not much has changed.

After church we made a stop at our town's historic landmark, the St.Ignatius Mission.  I always thought it would be hard to pay attention during services if I attended church at the Mission... I'd get distracted looking at the beautiful murals!

We also visited the cemetery to view Grandpa Ray and Grandma Faye's new headstone.

We were so glad that Andrew and Nicole didn't mind having all of us stay at the house during our trip and wanted to do something for them in return.  Heidi, Kayla, and I cooked Sunday dinner for everyone.  We had spinach-feta-turkey burgers, grilled corn, fried green tomatoes, and Heidi's amazing fruit dip.

Sterling and I are just posing by the grill. Andrew was the one who did most of the actual grilling.

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