Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kites and Watermelon

I know the official start of summer is June 21st, but once Memorial Day hits it feels like summer has arrived.  Monday's weather offered blue skies and a bit of wind- a perfect day for flying kites!

Patrick had to work so I made a quick trip out to Erda to spend time at the park picnicking with my family.  Garrett cooked up some hot dogs, Mom and Dad prepared some sides, and there was plenty of watermelon to go around!

Before we headed home, we took a couple of minutes to check out the playground (mostly for Grant, but Mom and I had fun, too).

While living in Seattle I performed with a group called Imagination Central.  We toured to different schools performing an assembly program about Martin Luther King Jr.  One of my fellow actresses commented about how she was going to celebrate MLK Day with her kids.  Their plans were centered around actually remembering MLK's life.  I always remember her saying, "Its not just a day off."  When a holiday rolls around, I often get excited because I know I don't have to work and/or I will get some extra time to spend with my family.  Obviously those things are great, but I am trying to be more mindful of what the day is really about.  I truly am grateful for the country we live in and the people who have fought for our freedom.  I don't want to loose sight of that amidst the BBQ's and get-togethers. How do you celebrate Memorial Day?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A First

One of the many fabulous things about being married includes having lots of firsts.  I love introducing Patrick to activities, places, people, etc. that are special to me.  This week I had the fun opportunity to take Patrick to his first "real" concert! (Real = not in a high school auditorium)

Salt Lake City is a popular stop for many artists and bands.  I've been so lucky to see many of my favorites perform- Ingrid Michaelson, Priscilla Ahn, Jack Johnson, She & Him... just to name a few.  Awhile back I decided that Vampire Weekend's fun and energetic music was some of my favorite and vowed I would go see them the next time they came town.  I was ecstatic when they were announced as Red Butte Garden's first show of the season.  I knew that this was the perfect show to make Patrick fall in love with concert going!

This was my first time at the Red Butte Garden's amphitheater.  It was a gorgeous setting.  We had a lovely spot towards the back on a raised grassy lawn were we could sit and overlook everything perfectly. (But of course we didn't sit still- their music is too fun for that!)

One awesome thing about Red Butte is that they encourage bringing food!  We packed a picnic that included Black Bean Quinoa Salad, Food Should Taste Good Chips (from Costco- the best!) and hummus, raspberry lemonade, and homemade "Reese's Cups" which I made with almond butter, a little honey, Grapenuts, and dark chocolate.  It was lush!

Vampire Weekend put on a fantastic show!  They played all my favorite songs and I loved all the new ones from their album that came out last week.  They had great energy and the bass player was especially entertaining.

Well folks, my plan worked. Patrick said afterward, "That was a great show!" I don't think I'll have too hard of a time convincing him to go to another concert with me. ;)

Friday, May 24, 2013


On Monday nights, Patrick and I like to have Family Home Evening (FHE).  After a spiritual thought or two we try to get out for a little fun.  We purchased Pass of All Passes for a great price and with them you can get into all these local places for free!  The passes have already paid for themselves.

During the month of May, your pass gets you a free wristband to Hollywood Connections in West Valley City.   One of the attractions is indoor mini-golf.  Patrick recently purchased golf clubs off of KSL for a steal.  We thought a round of putt-putt would be good training for the real thing.

Already looking like a pro.

Celebrating the rescue of his lost golf ball.

Such a happy, little golfer...

Until my ball landed in the water and floated away.
We also made time to go on some rides- the roller coaster, bumper cars, and carousel.  Then we stopped by the arcade so Patrick could show off his mad Guitar Hero skills.  We had such a good time that we are planning to go back next Monday for a little roller-skating and laser tag!

Such concentration!
Mandi and a new friend.

Hollywood Connections made us feel like kids again.  Too bad our not-so-kid-size bodies were too big for some of the rides!

Monday, May 20, 2013

CW Final Weekend

On Friday and Saturday we will have our final performances of CHARLOTTE'S WEB.

Here are a couple of photos taken by our director, Brett Howell.

Wilbur's "radiant" splits!

"Some pig. Some pig?"

"Hello, hello, helloooo!"

Charlotte & Wilbur. Best friends.

A special award!

This show has been loved by all those who have come to see it.  It makes you laugh. It makes you cry.  I am grateful to be in this production.  I love sharing this classic story and seeing how much it touches the hearts of our audience members young and old.  Please come if you can!

xoxo Wilbur/Mandi

Wednesdays With Patrick

Patrick has Wednesdays off from work but he does have classes in the evening until 10pm.  Because I work during the day and he is off to the LDSBC by the time I am home, we go the while day without seeing each other.  A whole day is much too long.  We solved this problem by having Patrick over while I am nannying.  This was the suggestion of the mom of The Boy and The Girl.  The Boy loves having Patrick around.  Whenever it is time for Patrick to leave The Boy screams his name, "Pwaaaaaaatrick! Pwaaaaaaaatrick!!!"

It is super fun having Patrick around for adventures and it is nice to have an extra pair of hands.  Sometimes it feels like we are playing make believe and pretending to be parents.  It is definitely good practice and it is a good way to open up discussions on parenthood and how we want to raise our future family.

Last Wednesday Patrick came to Wheeler Farm with The Boy and I.  The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed seeing the animals.  Sadly, there were no pigs!  This Wilbur wanted to see her friends!
The Boy loves to climb and hide so the old tree house was a favorite spot of his.
A quick stop at the outhouse.
Recently we went to feed the ducks and geese at Liberty Park.  A goose bit The Boy's finger and he is now scared of all wandering birds.

The Boy and Patrick saying HELLO to one of the goats.  Like I mentioned before, I love the extra help from Patrick.  He is an awesome stroller pusher!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Dear Reader,

While growing up I always wished for a nickname.  It wasn't until attending the Canadian College of Performing Arts that I finally received my first one... "Miss Montana."  (The school director first called me that in a jazz class and afterward the girls in the changing room were so excited to talk to me.  I was sorry to disappoint them by telling that I really wasn't Miss Montana.)

Next came "Nice Girl" from a guy I dated who had a sister also named Mandi (but spelled with a Y) and the nickname evolved as he tried to find a way to talk about me without his family and friends getting confused as to which Mandi he way referring too.  (He did try using "Mandi with an I" for awhile but it was too much of a mouthful.)

My most recent nickname is "Mandi Poppins" since a group of my theatre friends decided I am practically perfect and also good with kids and have often worked as a nanny.  Well, I am still working on the whole perfect thing but I think the name can stay awhile because I am once again working as a nanny.

After getting mono this winter, I eventually quit my job at Salt Lake Donated Dental because  I simply wasn't getting better.  I had been hoping to "retire" from my dental assisting career come Fall anyway so I could reach my goal of  making my living by teaching yoga, Zumba, and children's music and theatre classes.  Since I am still in the process of getting my classes up and going (which is going well, by the way!) I needed a job in the meantime which is why you can call me Mandi Poppins once again!

I am tending a two year old boy and his six year old sister. (On the blog I'll simply refer to them as "The Boy" and "The Girl" for the family's privacy.)  It is a fun time (the perfect excuse to go to the zoo or the park which I always want to do but silly actually doing because I am a grown-up and all) and it is good parenting prep.  Patrick even gets to come over on his day off to spend time with us.  And even though nannying can be the ultimate birth control, I am still as excited as ever for when we have our own kiddos!

Being a nanny is never boring and I look forward to sharing our summer adventures with you!

Yours Truly, Mandi Poppins

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bits of Happiness

Family get-togethers make me so happy.  I loved spending Mother's Day in Erda with everyone.  Holidays, birthday parties, road trips, opening night of a show, date nights... those are all happy times.  I wish everyday could bee 100% happy and fun like those big event days.  But life requires that we work and have responsibilities and as we all know too well, things don't always go perfectly or as planned. However, I am finding that the little bits of happiness that happen day in and day out add up and life doesn't have to be constant party to be happy.

Recent bits of happiness...
  • Pillow talk at night with Patrick
  • Making waffles
  • Being asked for your autograph by little kids after performing "Charlotte's Web"
  • Swinging
  • Lunch dates friends
  • Homemade cards
  • Fortune Cookies
  • My new sunglasses (I know money can't buy happiness but finding the perfect $2.99 "Mandi" glasses sure made my day!)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Charlotte's Web

I was so excited to audition for CHARLOTTE'S WEB.  The book has always been one of my favorites because of my years as a 4-Her raising pigs.  I loved my pigs!  They all had so much personality and I would grow very attached to them.   It was always a sad day when the 4-H fair came to an end and it was time to say goodbye. 

The story of CHARLOTTE'S WEB has so many wonderful and colorful characters.  I would have been happy to play any part.  The one role I didn't ever consider myself being cast as was Wilbur, the pig.  Patrick and I laughed so hard when the casting list was posted.  Mandi Marks as Wilbur?!  At least I could draw upon all my former pig experience!

We had a fantastic opening weekend.  I was so happy to have Patrick, Jay & Aubrey, and my first roommate, Lisa P (+ her husband and 3 kiddos), attend performances this weekend.  They all enjoyed the show and were entertained to see me running around the stage in my fat suit snorting!  (I am not a natural snorter- It seriously took a lot of practice to train that nose of mine!)


I absolutely adore the Utah Children's Theatre.  They put on top-notch family entertainment.  If you haven't been before you really must come.  The friends I've introduced to this theatre keep bringing their friends and family back for more.  I hope I have many more opportunities to be involved at UCT on and off stage.

And now for a little review from Patrick...
"There are classic children's stories that capture the heart and imagination of every boy and girl, and then there's Charlotte's Web.
"4 Stars"
"2 Thumbs (or hooves) Up"
"If you never see another show in your life, I beg you to see this one"
"Mandi Marks is the next big thing"
But seriously, the Children's Theatre did a splendid job with Charlotte's Web. Their take on the touching, heart-warming story about a talking pig, a crazy rat and a guy with an axe is simply astonishing. It's the perfect show to put a smile on your face. If you or someone you know have young kids, please entreat them to this show."

PS This was the first show I could include my "sweet and supportive hubby" in my bio.  Oh, how I love him!