Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Dear Reader,

While growing up I always wished for a nickname.  It wasn't until attending the Canadian College of Performing Arts that I finally received my first one... "Miss Montana."  (The school director first called me that in a jazz class and afterward the girls in the changing room were so excited to talk to me.  I was sorry to disappoint them by telling that I really wasn't Miss Montana.)

Next came "Nice Girl" from a guy I dated who had a sister also named Mandi (but spelled with a Y) and the nickname evolved as he tried to find a way to talk about me without his family and friends getting confused as to which Mandi he way referring too.  (He did try using "Mandi with an I" for awhile but it was too much of a mouthful.)

My most recent nickname is "Mandi Poppins" since a group of my theatre friends decided I am practically perfect and also good with kids and have often worked as a nanny.  Well, I am still working on the whole perfect thing but I think the name can stay awhile because I am once again working as a nanny.

After getting mono this winter, I eventually quit my job at Salt Lake Donated Dental because  I simply wasn't getting better.  I had been hoping to "retire" from my dental assisting career come Fall anyway so I could reach my goal of  making my living by teaching yoga, Zumba, and children's music and theatre classes.  Since I am still in the process of getting my classes up and going (which is going well, by the way!) I needed a job in the meantime which is why you can call me Mandi Poppins once again!

I am tending a two year old boy and his six year old sister. (On the blog I'll simply refer to them as "The Boy" and "The Girl" for the family's privacy.)  It is a fun time (the perfect excuse to go to the zoo or the park which I always want to do but silly actually doing because I am a grown-up and all) and it is good parenting prep.  Patrick even gets to come over on his day off to spend time with us.  And even though nannying can be the ultimate birth control, I am still as excited as ever for when we have our own kiddos!

Being a nanny is never boring and I look forward to sharing our summer adventures with you!

Yours Truly, Mandi Poppins


  1. I love it! I only wish I hadn't already worn my "practically perfect" shirt this week.... I'd totally wear it to the show tomorrow :) see you soon, mandi poppins

  2. what about auntie mandi??? you've had that one for 4 years now....

  3. How could I forget Auntie Mandi?!?!
