Monday, May 13, 2013

Bits of Happiness

Family get-togethers make me so happy.  I loved spending Mother's Day in Erda with everyone.  Holidays, birthday parties, road trips, opening night of a show, date nights... those are all happy times.  I wish everyday could bee 100% happy and fun like those big event days.  But life requires that we work and have responsibilities and as we all know too well, things don't always go perfectly or as planned. However, I am finding that the little bits of happiness that happen day in and day out add up and life doesn't have to be constant party to be happy.

Recent bits of happiness...
  • Pillow talk at night with Patrick
  • Making waffles
  • Being asked for your autograph by little kids after performing "Charlotte's Web"
  • Swinging
  • Lunch dates friends
  • Homemade cards
  • Fortune Cookies
  • My new sunglasses (I know money can't buy happiness but finding the perfect $2.99 "Mandi" glasses sure made my day!)


  1. I'm totally asking for your autograph when I come to the show!! :)

  2. Since you are one of my most supportive fans, I will happily give it to you!
