Monday, May 20, 2013

Wednesdays With Patrick

Patrick has Wednesdays off from work but he does have classes in the evening until 10pm.  Because I work during the day and he is off to the LDSBC by the time I am home, we go the while day without seeing each other.  A whole day is much too long.  We solved this problem by having Patrick over while I am nannying.  This was the suggestion of the mom of The Boy and The Girl.  The Boy loves having Patrick around.  Whenever it is time for Patrick to leave The Boy screams his name, "Pwaaaaaaatrick! Pwaaaaaaaatrick!!!"

It is super fun having Patrick around for adventures and it is nice to have an extra pair of hands.  Sometimes it feels like we are playing make believe and pretending to be parents.  It is definitely good practice and it is a good way to open up discussions on parenthood and how we want to raise our future family.

Last Wednesday Patrick came to Wheeler Farm with The Boy and I.  The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed seeing the animals.  Sadly, there were no pigs!  This Wilbur wanted to see her friends!
The Boy loves to climb and hide so the old tree house was a favorite spot of his.
A quick stop at the outhouse.
Recently we went to feed the ducks and geese at Liberty Park.  A goose bit The Boy's finger and he is now scared of all wandering birds.

The Boy and Patrick saying HELLO to one of the goats.  Like I mentioned before, I love the extra help from Patrick.  He is an awesome stroller pusher!



  1. You two are too cute for words! Can't wait to see what your kids will look like :) I know you'll be great parents!
