Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kites and Watermelon

I know the official start of summer is June 21st, but once Memorial Day hits it feels like summer has arrived.  Monday's weather offered blue skies and a bit of wind- a perfect day for flying kites!

Patrick had to work so I made a quick trip out to Erda to spend time at the park picnicking with my family.  Garrett cooked up some hot dogs, Mom and Dad prepared some sides, and there was plenty of watermelon to go around!

Before we headed home, we took a couple of minutes to check out the playground (mostly for Grant, but Mom and I had fun, too).

While living in Seattle I performed with a group called Imagination Central.  We toured to different schools performing an assembly program about Martin Luther King Jr.  One of my fellow actresses commented about how she was going to celebrate MLK Day with her kids.  Their plans were centered around actually remembering MLK's life.  I always remember her saying, "Its not just a day off."  When a holiday rolls around, I often get excited because I know I don't have to work and/or I will get some extra time to spend with my family.  Obviously those things are great, but I am trying to be more mindful of what the day is really about.  I truly am grateful for the country we live in and the people who have fought for our freedom.  I don't want to loose sight of that amidst the BBQ's and get-togethers. How do you celebrate Memorial Day?

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