Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What happens in Vegas...

... Does not stay in Vegas!  I want to blog about our fabulous weekend trip!

Patrick's grandparents (Noni and Pete) know how much I love theatre so they thought I'd enjoy seeing one of their favorite shows, Cirque Du Soleil's "O."  And since "O" is performed at the Bellagio in Las Vegas it looked like we'd have to take a little road trip!

Patrick and I drove down to Vegas Friday night after work.  It was our first road-trip together.  You know you married the right person when you love every minute of a seven hour drive together!

Patrick of course was looking forward to seeing "O" but he admitted he was just as excited to stop at Jack In The Box as we passed through St.George.

That's a happy husband right there.
Because we arrived in Las Vegas so late, we didn't get a chance to explore until the morning.  The Bellagio was beautiful.  What a treat to stay there!  There was so much to see and do that we never had to step foot outside of the hotel. (Which was just fine. I didn't have any desire to hang out on The Strip.) 

It was so hard not to take a picture of every little thing (which is why this post is long and has a ton of photos)!  Here are some of my favorite details around the Bellagio...

The ceiling in the lobby was breathtaking. The flowers are all blown glass.

All the tiles were individually placed.  Seriously, I never knew whether to look up or down... I didn't want to miss anything!

I've always thought it would be cute to hang kites in a child's bedroom as decoration.  The Bellagio stole my idea.

This snail has 1,500 flowers on its shell.

Another decorative ceiling idea. Umbrellas.

Saturday we had an early dinner at a restaurant called Fix.  All the food was perfectly delicious. I devoured my mini lobster and mango tacos in record time! Besides the food, I thought ceiling was unique and fun.

We stopped in the "O" store before the show to find a souvenir and try on some masks.

Pete and Noni were right.  This show is worth seeing!  Why is it called "O?"  Patrick says its because that's the shape you mouth makes while watching the incredible feats of these very talented and extremely brave performers!

The performers dived from the height of 60 feet into a 17 foot deep pool.  Trapeze artists flew above the water.  Synchronized swimmers stayed beneath the water for such long lengths of time that you were surprised when they once again appeared.  It was truly unlike anything I had ever seen before.  Much thanks to Pete and Noni for the opportunity to see "O."  They sure spoil us!
Besides the show, which was the highlight of the trip, I loved watching the fountain,
experiencing room service,
watching Patrick race Noni's scooter,
playing Farkle,
and most of all, having three whole days of uninterrupted time with wonderful Patrick. (Cheese.)


  1. now I want to go back to Vegas! I'm sad you didn't explore the strip... it is actually fun! Coke World, M&M factory, Margaritaville :) I haven't seen O before... I saw "mystere`" which was super odd! Next time you're in Vegas, you need to go to the temple there... it's amazing!

  2. I'd love to see the temple in Vegas. Next time for sure!
