Friday, May 24, 2013


On Monday nights, Patrick and I like to have Family Home Evening (FHE).  After a spiritual thought or two we try to get out for a little fun.  We purchased Pass of All Passes for a great price and with them you can get into all these local places for free!  The passes have already paid for themselves.

During the month of May, your pass gets you a free wristband to Hollywood Connections in West Valley City.   One of the attractions is indoor mini-golf.  Patrick recently purchased golf clubs off of KSL for a steal.  We thought a round of putt-putt would be good training for the real thing.

Already looking like a pro.

Celebrating the rescue of his lost golf ball.

Such a happy, little golfer...

Until my ball landed in the water and floated away.
We also made time to go on some rides- the roller coaster, bumper cars, and carousel.  Then we stopped by the arcade so Patrick could show off his mad Guitar Hero skills.  We had such a good time that we are planning to go back next Monday for a little roller-skating and laser tag!

Such concentration!
Mandi and a new friend.

Hollywood Connections made us feel like kids again.  Too bad our not-so-kid-size bodies were too big for some of the rides!


  1. Funny how you make Hollywood connection look so fun... Meanwhile I'm dreading the field trip there next week. Would you like to go for free in my place?! :)

  2. Big difference between going to Hollywood Connection and having to supervise a class of kids and going as an adult but feeling like a unsupervised kid! Best of luck, Miss Krystal!
