Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cake Boss

Patrick and I recently subscribed to Netflix.  I have this secret dream to have a cupcake shop because I love cute food and so I have become a little addicted to the series CAKE BOSS.  I really can't get over the different things you can create out of cake- the New York skyline, any animal imaginable, and even a life-size replica of a person! Seriously amazing!

As most of you know, when I bake desserts in my home it is typically a healthier version of the real thing because sugar and me just don't mix. I am used to eating healthy desserts but my poor husband is not.  Whenever I bake a treat, soon after his first bite he comments on the dessert being good but then offers a suggestion on how to make it better..."This would be great with Nutella," or, "Next time let's stir in a bag of chocolate chips," or, "I wish we had ice cream to goes with this." So, when I made a "healthier" apple cake the other day, Patrick immediately decided it needed to be smothered in frosting.  So I told him he could make some as long as he left my piece plain.  Well, I'm not the only one inspired by the creations on CAKE BOSS.  Patrick has watched most of the episodes with me and decided to get creative with his apple cake upgrade.

Cake decorating is serious business.
Patrick proudly displaying the finished product.

Nicole, recognize the photo?  It's Mr. Clean!
Watch out Buddy Valastro...There's a new Cake Boss in town!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fun and Free

Patrick and I have put ourselves on a little budget.  It has been such a good decision to watch more closely where our money is going so we can do a better job saving.  We love going out on dates and to dinner but we're trying to find more free/inexpensive things to do around Salt Lake City.  Good thing there's lots of great stuff always going on so we should be able to accomplish this goal!

Every third Friday of the month, Salt Lake has their Gallery Stroll.  Galleries around the city stay open late and you can browse art, listen to music, and enjoy refreshments for free, free, FREE!  It is always nice to get out and feel all cultured.

One of the galleries was in a renovated warehouse. The building is also home to apartments and many offices.  We couldn't help but explore the whole place.  The backsides of the apartments are to the right.  Next time we are apartment hunting I want to move there!

Mom, I wish you could have seen these little birdhouses in person... It made me think our your barn art.

I love to see the temple!  We had the perfect view as we were out and about on our stroll. 
Free and fun date? Success!


Heidi and I met up at the Farmer's Market last weekend.  When I got home I was excited to show Patrick a photo of me and Heidi from the morning.  He looked so confused, "Who's the guy in the picture?" I made him look harder. Patrick didn't notice the owl at first, which was of course why I was so excited. The random guy was just the bird handler. I am still obsessed with owls so I couldn't resist getting a photo taken and Heidi was a good sport to join me. :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The State Fair

I feel like my childhood summers were spent getting ready for the Lake County 4-H Fair.  I was an enthusiastic 4-Her.  I loved working on my sewing, cooking, and art entries and raising pigs to show and sell.  The week spent up in Ronan with our club was so fun, even if it was extremely busy and always overshadowed my birthday.
I was so competitive.  I too eagerly awaited the judging to see how many purple Grand Champion ribbons I'd be taking home.  I have a big box of ribbons stored away- enough to wallpaper a small wall with, I think!  We went to the Utah State Fair earlier this month and seeing those ribbons got me all excited thinking about trying to enter something in the open class exhibits next year and seeing if I could compete on a higher level.  I haven't changed much over the years!

Pigs will always be my favorite! Hopefully one day I will  have little kiddos who want to be 4-Hers so I can relive all those fun times.  (Mom, you might disagree about it being a fun time... I don't know if getting us ready for the fair was an enjoyable task for you! Thank you for letting us keep with it!)

Monday, September 16, 2013


I was teaching a pre-school drama class last week and we were pretending to walk in all different types of shoes; ballet slippers, high-heels, soccer cleats... you get the idea.  When splashing around the room like we were in rain boots I was thinking about my pink and black wellies and all the adventures we've had together.

I bought my boots back in 2005 shortly after I moved to Seattle. The first winter I lived there we received a record amount of rain so I wore them constantly!  I've been meaning to get a photograph of them because the rubber is starting to split.  Oh, I am so sad.  These boots feel like old friends because we've been so many placed together.  Who knew I could grow so attached to footwear!

I will wear my boots until they completely fall to pieces. I'm hoping they still have a couple of good rainstorms left in them. :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mindy Gledhill

Saturday afternoon we had a huge storm with thunder, lightening, and lots and lots of rain.  I usually don't mind a good summer storm except when it is going to ruin the big plans I have for the day.  I had purchased tickets for an outdoor concert to see Mindy Gledhill over a month ago and I really, really wanted to go.  The show was to be held rain or shine and you can bet I was planning to be there even if it meant standing under an umbrella the entire time.

On our way to the Ed Kenley Amphitheater in Layton, Patrick and I stopped in Kaysville to see his Grandpa Pete and wish him a happy birthday.  I kept checking the window and the clock the entire time and almost squealed with joy when around 7:20pm the rain stopped.  The weather was cooperating for me!

Patrick said he would have stood in the rain with me if I had still wanted to go to the concert despite the storm.  What a guy! I know he was relieved though when the rain did stop.

I was so excited to get a copy of Mindy's new cd.  It isn't officially released until tomorrow.  So far my favorite songs are POCEKTFULL OF POETRY, OH NO!, and TROUBLE NO MORE.
Isn't the cover artwork adorable?!  I really want to have a family picture drawn of me and Patrick by this artist.  I think it would be a fun change from a traditional family photograph.

It was a fun concert.  I think Mindy Gledhill is just darling.  If I were a singer I would like to sing her style of music.  And although her concert outfit looked a little too much like she was about to go square dancing, I think she has fantastic style.  If you want to get a taste of her music, visit

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Leonardo

On Labor Day, Patrick and I took a little trip to downtown Salt Lake to visit The Leonardo: A Utah Museum for Science, Technology, and Art. We had tickets for their special exhibit, 101 Inventions That Changed the World. 


Museums are so fun! And good for your brain! I wanted to pick the one invention that I couldn't live without but truly I couldn't imagine what life would be like without almost every single invention that was featured.  Even the inventions that I didn't really know what they were... I'm sure they've impacted my life somehow!

As promised on the Leonardo website, the exhibit truly was a multi-sensory experience.  I especially enjoyed the SENSORY4 which featured 40 high definition projectors.  I kept trying to take pictures of it all but you really just have to experience it in person.

It was neat to see how the kids reacted to the SENSROY 4. They were dancing to the background music, chasing the graphics, and excitedly exclaiming at their favorite inventions.

The invention Patrick couldn't live without...

There were displays of each invention and interactive computers where you could learn the history behind everything.

There was even a "hands-on" exhibit; Legos!

It's a camera. Can't you tell?

After finishing with the special exhibit we checked out the rest of the museum.
Patrick using his manpower to power the TV. I think that's how it should work in real life... It you want to watch TV you have to pedal the whole time to keep the TV on. That would whip us into to shape. Or just keep us from watching TV.

Making a stop motion video of a robot-man riding on a dog.  It was actually pretty good!

After such a nice morning at The Leonardo we had to finish off our date equally well. We made a quick stop at Gourmandise, The Bakery. Gourmandise has a special place in my heart, and not just because the food is amazing-which it is, but because it was there that I had a conversation with my friend Kim (aka The Matchmaker) about marrying Patrick.  After that conversation I knew without a doubt he was the one for me!  And there's your happy story for the day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

I feel as though every post I've written recently starts along the lines of, "This-is-one-of-my-most-very-favorite-things-in -the-whole-entire-world-to-do-during-the-summer..."  Today's post features the wonderful Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, which truly is one of my most anticipated summer events.  It takes place every Labor Day weekend down in the Orem area and draws huge crowds.  The first time I attended the festival was the Summer of 2010 and I was absolutely captivated! So much so that I even researched getting a degree in storytelling.  Yes, there are universities that have such degrees!  Can imagine the reaction you'd get when telling someone you're a professional storyteller?!

Over the past couple of years I've introduced my family and friends to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival and this year I was so excited to bring Patrick for his first time.  We drove down for the Friday night performance of "My Favorite Story" which took place at the Scera Shell.  I love that the Shell lets you bring in your own food, if you'd like.  Pizza is the perfect amphitheatre picnic food, so we made a quick stop at Little Caesar's.

Mom and Dad went to Friday's show, too.  It is always fun to meet up with them.  I am so glad they enjoy storytelling as much as I do.  It really is the perfect event for all ages.

We couldn't have asked for better weather!

The boys didn't waste time working on the pizza.

Another first for me to introduce Patrick to!

The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival is in its' 24th year. Each year it grows in popularity.
Mom, Dad, Patrick and I stayed Friday night at the Lakeside RV Campground in Provo.  It was such a cute, little place. Definitely my type of camping... lots of trees, a patch of grass for your tent, and bathrooms and running water a short walk away. We plan to stay there next year during the festival because it was such a nice and convenient set-up.   
We were excited to have an excuse to set-up our tent again. And not in our living room this time!

Happy campers!

Saturday we met up with Jay, Aubrey, and Grant for some mini-golf.  Then, Patrick and I headed over to Saratoga Springs for a get-together his family was having.  It was wonderful to spend so much time with both of our families over the weekend. 

Summer is at an end.  Good thing Patrick and I love Fall so much!