Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cake Boss

Patrick and I recently subscribed to Netflix.  I have this secret dream to have a cupcake shop because I love cute food and so I have become a little addicted to the series CAKE BOSS.  I really can't get over the different things you can create out of cake- the New York skyline, any animal imaginable, and even a life-size replica of a person! Seriously amazing!

As most of you know, when I bake desserts in my home it is typically a healthier version of the real thing because sugar and me just don't mix. I am used to eating healthy desserts but my poor husband is not.  Whenever I bake a treat, soon after his first bite he comments on the dessert being good but then offers a suggestion on how to make it better..."This would be great with Nutella," or, "Next time let's stir in a bag of chocolate chips," or, "I wish we had ice cream to goes with this." So, when I made a "healthier" apple cake the other day, Patrick immediately decided it needed to be smothered in frosting.  So I told him he could make some as long as he left my piece plain.  Well, I'm not the only one inspired by the creations on CAKE BOSS.  Patrick has watched most of the episodes with me and decided to get creative with his apple cake upgrade.

Cake decorating is serious business.
Patrick proudly displaying the finished product.

Nicole, recognize the photo?  It's Mr. Clean!
Watch out Buddy Valastro...There's a new Cake Boss in town!

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