Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

I feel as though every post I've written recently starts along the lines of, "This-is-one-of-my-most-very-favorite-things-in -the-whole-entire-world-to-do-during-the-summer..."  Today's post features the wonderful Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, which truly is one of my most anticipated summer events.  It takes place every Labor Day weekend down in the Orem area and draws huge crowds.  The first time I attended the festival was the Summer of 2010 and I was absolutely captivated! So much so that I even researched getting a degree in storytelling.  Yes, there are universities that have such degrees!  Can imagine the reaction you'd get when telling someone you're a professional storyteller?!

Over the past couple of years I've introduced my family and friends to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival and this year I was so excited to bring Patrick for his first time.  We drove down for the Friday night performance of "My Favorite Story" which took place at the Scera Shell.  I love that the Shell lets you bring in your own food, if you'd like.  Pizza is the perfect amphitheatre picnic food, so we made a quick stop at Little Caesar's.

Mom and Dad went to Friday's show, too.  It is always fun to meet up with them.  I am so glad they enjoy storytelling as much as I do.  It really is the perfect event for all ages.

We couldn't have asked for better weather!

The boys didn't waste time working on the pizza.

Another first for me to introduce Patrick to!

The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival is in its' 24th year. Each year it grows in popularity.
Mom, Dad, Patrick and I stayed Friday night at the Lakeside RV Campground in Provo.  It was such a cute, little place. Definitely my type of camping... lots of trees, a patch of grass for your tent, and bathrooms and running water a short walk away. We plan to stay there next year during the festival because it was such a nice and convenient set-up.   
We were excited to have an excuse to set-up our tent again. And not in our living room this time!

Happy campers!

Saturday we met up with Jay, Aubrey, and Grant for some mini-golf.  Then, Patrick and I headed over to Saratoga Springs for a get-together his family was having.  It was wonderful to spend so much time with both of our families over the weekend. 

Summer is at an end.  Good thing Patrick and I love Fall so much!

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