Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Photo Roundup

Another wonderful weekend has come and gone.  We absolutely live for the weekend in this house. As soon as Monday roles around we are counting down the days until Friday evening arrives.  This is what we got up to the past couple of days...

Friday evening we drove up to Main Street in Bountiful.  So charming. Who knew?! 
What exactly were we doing on Main Street? Well....

The Utah Children's Theatre opened a new drama school in Bountiful!  I will be teaching Kindermusik classes there Wednesday mornings beginning in September.  The space is fantastic, Kindermusik is a great program, and we can help the Children's Theatre out by renting their space when they aren't using it. Win, win, win!

After visiting Main Street, we continued northward to the Centerpoint Legacy Theatre where we had tickets to see my friend Chantryce in "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying."  We had packed a picnic and originally had  planned to find a park to go to.  However, we spent longer at the drama school than planned and had to picnic in the theatre's parking lot! We parked in the back and I don't think anyone saw us.
I had never seen the musical "How to Succed..." before.  (It was revived on Broadway not too long ago with Daniel Radcliffe/Harry Potter in the leading role.)  The cast did a nice job but a lost bat that made its way into the theatre stole the show.  It spent most of the second act swooping around the audience members' heads!

Notice anything different?
No glasses! 
Patrick ran out of contacts shortly after we got married and had been meaning to go to the doctor for an exam and new prescription.  This finally happened on Saturday.  I am so use to him wearing glasses that I keep thinking he can't see me when he has his new contacts in.
We celebrated his return to a glasses-free face by eating at Zupas.  Thank you Andrew and Nicole for the gift card. Tastiest birthday gift ever!

Saturday we caught a performance of "The Tempest" at the Utah Children's Theatre.  I am not a Shakespeare expert and didn't always know exactly what was going on during the show but I was still very entertained.  I learned my lesson though and will do a little homework before attending a Shakespeare play that I am unfamiliar with in the future.
The show runs one more weekend if you are wanting to check it out!

We are still working on getting our apartment just right.  We have had fun working on little projects together.  We found an unfinished chest of drawers at IKEA and some turquoise paint and couldn't be happier with the finished project!  Almost ready to post some apartment photos...

Patrick can now wear sunglasses since he has contacts again.  He looks so happy! 
I am not sure what look I am going for though in this photo.

Sunday was spent at Noni and Pete's with an appearance by Mike, Anna, and their kids.  Patrick's cousin, Jordan, is staying the month with Noni and Pete and while the kids were over they stumbled across his hat collection.  We took a family photo and texted it to him since he wasn't home.  His reply text, :( I think the frowning face was because Jordan was sad he wasn't in the photo, not because he was mad.

Fun times.

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