Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Off to Boise

As wonderful as it was to visit Montana, I missed Patrick very much and was so happy to be home with him.  I think he was happy to see me, too...

While in Montana I found out that the Zumba Fitness training I was planning to take the upcoming weekend in Salt Lake City had been cancelled.  The training was so I could teach Zumbatomic, which is Zumba for kids.  I had already committed to teaching a full day of kids' Zumba classes for Dancing Moose Montessori School beginning mid-August so I was in a bind, to say the least.  Luckily, the same training was also being held in Boise the same weekend.  So as soon as I got home it was back on the road again.  I was glad that Patrick could come along on this mini-trip with me!

I have passed this sign so many times on my drives to Montana.  This was my first time to stay straight and head to Boise rather than towards Pocatello.   Off to the unknown!

Patrick's aunt and uncle live in Boise so we were able to stay with them.  I had met Julie and Dave during our wedding weekend but really didn't have a chance to get to know them.  They are such a fun family and I hope we can make another trip to Boise to visit them!

Zumbatomic is fantastic!  I enjoyed the training so much and I can't wait to get teaching!

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