Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yellowstone National Park

I am so happy that both Kayla and Heidi mentioned that they wanted to visit Yellowstone National Park on our way back to Utah.  Since the route we usually take to and from Utah and Montana doesn't pass by Yellowstone, I never really think to combine the trips.  With only two extra hours of driving you can visit this amazing park.  Definitely worth it!

We only had about 4 hours to spend in the park so our priority was to see Old Faithful and then stop at as many others sites as we could with the time we had left.


After. (Or during?)

We really got lucky.  It was such a beautiful day. Not too hot, and not too cold. However, we weren't lucky enough to see any bison while at Yellowstone.  We did see one as we passed by Bear World.  Hopefully that counts.

I love all the colors.  What an amazing place!

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