Monday, September 16, 2013


I was teaching a pre-school drama class last week and we were pretending to walk in all different types of shoes; ballet slippers, high-heels, soccer cleats... you get the idea.  When splashing around the room like we were in rain boots I was thinking about my pink and black wellies and all the adventures we've had together.

I bought my boots back in 2005 shortly after I moved to Seattle. The first winter I lived there we received a record amount of rain so I wore them constantly!  I've been meaning to get a photograph of them because the rubber is starting to split.  Oh, I am so sad.  These boots feel like old friends because we've been so many placed together.  Who knew I could grow so attached to footwear!

I will wear my boots until they completely fall to pieces. I'm hoping they still have a couple of good rainstorms left in them. :)