Monday, September 9, 2013

Mindy Gledhill

Saturday afternoon we had a huge storm with thunder, lightening, and lots and lots of rain.  I usually don't mind a good summer storm except when it is going to ruin the big plans I have for the day.  I had purchased tickets for an outdoor concert to see Mindy Gledhill over a month ago and I really, really wanted to go.  The show was to be held rain or shine and you can bet I was planning to be there even if it meant standing under an umbrella the entire time.

On our way to the Ed Kenley Amphitheater in Layton, Patrick and I stopped in Kaysville to see his Grandpa Pete and wish him a happy birthday.  I kept checking the window and the clock the entire time and almost squealed with joy when around 7:20pm the rain stopped.  The weather was cooperating for me!

Patrick said he would have stood in the rain with me if I had still wanted to go to the concert despite the storm.  What a guy! I know he was relieved though when the rain did stop.

I was so excited to get a copy of Mindy's new cd.  It isn't officially released until tomorrow.  So far my favorite songs are POCEKTFULL OF POETRY, OH NO!, and TROUBLE NO MORE.
Isn't the cover artwork adorable?!  I really want to have a family picture drawn of me and Patrick by this artist.  I think it would be a fun change from a traditional family photograph.

It was a fun concert.  I think Mindy Gledhill is just darling.  If I were a singer I would like to sing her style of music.  And although her concert outfit looked a little too much like she was about to go square dancing, I think she has fantastic style.  If you want to get a taste of her music, visit

1 comment:

  1. I used to really like Mindy... But she's gone cray-cray lately! Glad you had fun and that it stopped raining!
