Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The State Fair

I feel like my childhood summers were spent getting ready for the Lake County 4-H Fair.  I was an enthusiastic 4-Her.  I loved working on my sewing, cooking, and art entries and raising pigs to show and sell.  The week spent up in Ronan with our club was so fun, even if it was extremely busy and always overshadowed my birthday.
I was so competitive.  I too eagerly awaited the judging to see how many purple Grand Champion ribbons I'd be taking home.  I have a big box of ribbons stored away- enough to wallpaper a small wall with, I think!  We went to the Utah State Fair earlier this month and seeing those ribbons got me all excited thinking about trying to enter something in the open class exhibits next year and seeing if I could compete on a higher level.  I haven't changed much over the years!

Pigs will always be my favorite! Hopefully one day I will  have little kiddos who want to be 4-Hers so I can relive all those fun times.  (Mom, you might disagree about it being a fun time... I don't know if getting us ready for the fair was an enjoyable task for you! Thank you for letting us keep with it!)

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