Saturday, April 27, 2013


Spring has finally arrived here in Salt Lake City and here's the proof...

The "Popcorn" trees are in full bloom!!!

I am absolutely in love with the gorgeous weather we are having.  I've unpacked my capris and bright colored skirts. I've walked to the grocery store and the library and have taken out the garbage several times just so I can enjoy a bit more sunshine.  I am anxious for picnics, long walks, outdoor concerts, and trips to the zoo.

Dear Spring, Please stay around for awhile! xoxo MM

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Patrick is working towards starting a business called AutoAlly.  His business will help you find the car of your choice at the best price possible and then lead you through the actual purchasing process.  For someone as clueless about cars as me, I volunteered to be his first client!

The AutoAlly

We wanted to find a nice, used car.  A 2003 Lexus ES 300 was traded in at the Lexus dealership on the same block as where Patrick works.  The car was in great shape and the price was right so we jumped at the opportunity to buy her.  (The car definitely seemed like a "her.")

Patrick kept commenting on how classy the car was.  I knew she needed a name to match.  When I think of class, I think of Audrey Hepburn.  I love her in the title role of the movie "Sabrina."  The first time I tried out the name I knew it was perfect! Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina.

Patrick has a favorite spot for taking photos of cars; the rooftop of a downtown parking garage with the skyscrapers of SLC as the backdrop.  Here are some of Sabrina's glamor shots!

Thank you AutoAlly!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Miss Heidi

Today is a special day. It is Heidi's birthday!
Patrick and I were happy that we could drive up to Park City on Saturday to eat dinner at Main Street Pizza and Noodle with Heidi and lots of her friends.  (The Focaccia Pizza was amazing!)
For some reason, the weather is always a snowy/rainy combination when I go to PC with Kayla and Heidi.  We didn't let the wetness keep us from stopping for a photo with Loosey the Moose.

Here are a few things you should know about Heidi:
  • Heidi is a super dedicated friend.  She always knows the details of what is going on in the lives of those she cares about.
  • Heidi is the type of person who knows you need help and offers it before you even ask.
  • Kids adore Heidi!  I think that says so much about a person.
  • Heidi plans the best parties and get-togethers.
  • I am so envious of Heidi's curly hair.  One day I tried to curl my hair so it would look like hers.  It didn't, but that's okay.
  • Heidi has the best taste in music.  She has never recommended a band or artist that I didn't end up loving.
  • She pulls off cardigans and skinny jeans like no one else!
  • Heidi truly has the most compassionate heart of anyone I know.
Happy Birthday, friend!

"Pretend Ice Cream"

We love Sundays! An entire day to spend together! What could be better?!

This Sunday we decided to make ice cream.  I call it "Pretend Ice Cream" because it contains no dairy and no added sugar.  You can enjoy it 100% guilt free!

So what is in the magical dessert?  2 frozen bananas, a heaping tablespoon of Adam's Natural Peanut Butter, and a small scoop of unsweetened cocoa powder.  It really is magical that frozen bananas pulsed in a food processor turn into a ice cream consistency!

I think he likes it!

The above recipe makes about two small servings.  It is very rich so that really is the perfect amount.

We are excited to experiment with some new flavors.  We'll let you know what we come up with!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nannie's Dishes

Last month, I went to the Vintage Whites Market with some girlfriends.  I loved every vendor and it took all my self-control not to buy everything! My dream home would be completely furnished and decorated with refurbished, upcycled, and vintage art and furniture.
When my Uncle Ken and his wife Jan were preparing for their move from Montana to Arizona, he asked my mom if she thought I'd be interested in the plates and dishes that they had growing up.  The thought of having something that had belonged to my grandma Marjorie (aka Nannie) was so exciting to me.  I couldn't wait to unpack the crates that the dishes were stored in!
These dishes would be the envy of every attendee of the Vintage Whites Market.  The set is very large and in excellent shape.  The color and pattern are both so sweet and lovely.  They will be treasured in our home!
I wanted our first time using the dishes to be special so we saved them for dinner on Easter Sunday.  We invited my parents over.  I'm sure it took my mom back to her childhood to be eating off of these plates.
Mom made an apple cider stew.  We baked a parmesan garlic monkey bread.  We completed the meal with roasted asparagus for a side and chocolate bird nests for dessert.
Brown and blue is one of my favorite color combinations.
We only have room for about half of the set in our apartment.  There are many more pieces than what I have pictured here. Don't you just love the bird motif?
After dinner we took my parents for a tour through our Sugarhouse neighborhood.  The weather couldn't have been nicer. My parents were into stopping and checking out all the landscaping.
Nannie's dishes and an afternoon walk. The perfect formula for a lovely Easter.