Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nannie's Dishes

Last month, I went to the Vintage Whites Market with some girlfriends.  I loved every vendor and it took all my self-control not to buy everything! My dream home would be completely furnished and decorated with refurbished, upcycled, and vintage art and furniture.
When my Uncle Ken and his wife Jan were preparing for their move from Montana to Arizona, he asked my mom if she thought I'd be interested in the plates and dishes that they had growing up.  The thought of having something that had belonged to my grandma Marjorie (aka Nannie) was so exciting to me.  I couldn't wait to unpack the crates that the dishes were stored in!
These dishes would be the envy of every attendee of the Vintage Whites Market.  The set is very large and in excellent shape.  The color and pattern are both so sweet and lovely.  They will be treasured in our home!
I wanted our first time using the dishes to be special so we saved them for dinner on Easter Sunday.  We invited my parents over.  I'm sure it took my mom back to her childhood to be eating off of these plates.
Mom made an apple cider stew.  We baked a parmesan garlic monkey bread.  We completed the meal with roasted asparagus for a side and chocolate bird nests for dessert.
Brown and blue is one of my favorite color combinations.
We only have room for about half of the set in our apartment.  There are many more pieces than what I have pictured here. Don't you just love the bird motif?
After dinner we took my parents for a tour through our Sugarhouse neighborhood.  The weather couldn't have been nicer. My parents were into stopping and checking out all the landscaping.
Nannie's dishes and an afternoon walk. The perfect formula for a lovely Easter.


  1. Love the dishes! They are darling! What a great piece of family you get to have with you! Love it.

  2. I love those dishes. I just got a beautiful china set that belonged to my great grandma... My mom gave it to me when they moved.. And imagine my excitement-- the dishes have a PINK floral design :) they are so me :)

    It looks like your Easter was wonderful. Good job!
