Sunday, April 21, 2013


Patrick is working towards starting a business called AutoAlly.  His business will help you find the car of your choice at the best price possible and then lead you through the actual purchasing process.  For someone as clueless about cars as me, I volunteered to be his first client!

The AutoAlly

We wanted to find a nice, used car.  A 2003 Lexus ES 300 was traded in at the Lexus dealership on the same block as where Patrick works.  The car was in great shape and the price was right so we jumped at the opportunity to buy her.  (The car definitely seemed like a "her.")

Patrick kept commenting on how classy the car was.  I knew she needed a name to match.  When I think of class, I think of Audrey Hepburn.  I love her in the title role of the movie "Sabrina."  The first time I tried out the name I knew it was perfect! Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina.

Patrick has a favorite spot for taking photos of cars; the rooftop of a downtown parking garage with the skyscrapers of SLC as the backdrop.  Here are some of Sabrina's glamor shots!

Thank you AutoAlly!


  1. You two crack me up. I saw the car last week and was curious as to who was visiting you.... It was YOURS!! So the real question is -- which one is his, and which one is yours? I must go for a ride in Sabrina sometime soon. Love it!

  2. I know, we are pretty goofy but it makes life fun! Yes, Sabrina is mine but we seem to trade off cars often, especially when it is snowing I prefer Patrick's car with 4-wheel drive! Yes, we'll go cruising one of these days. :)

  3. Also. I think Lucy is jealous and needs some "glamor shots" sometime :)

  4. Haha! Lucy is always so clean and photo ready. I always get jealous when I walk out and see your perfect car!
