Saturday, April 27, 2013


Spring has finally arrived here in Salt Lake City and here's the proof...

The "Popcorn" trees are in full bloom!!!

I am absolutely in love with the gorgeous weather we are having.  I've unpacked my capris and bright colored skirts. I've walked to the grocery store and the library and have taken out the garbage several times just so I can enjoy a bit more sunshine.  I am anxious for picnics, long walks, outdoor concerts, and trips to the zoo.

Dear Spring, Please stay around for awhile! xoxo MM


  1. I wore capris today! It was a very happy day indeed :) I hope spring sticks around this time!!

  2. Me too! I was a little worried that my post would jinx the weather and that we'd wake up to snow this morning! Hahah! Soooo glad that it is still perfect outside. :)
