Sunday, June 24, 2012

The show must go on!

This summer I am performing in Desert Star's kooky production, "The Addam's Family Home Evening."  It is a hilarious show spoofing FHE and the Adam's Family (obviously).  I play a character named Heather Kingsley.  She is the pushy, yet pretty, fiance of Horace.  Horace falls in love with Dementia Addams and I spend the show trying to sabotage their relationship.  I love playing the villian! (Evil laugh).  If you are having a hard time following the plot maybe you should just get tickets and come see the show. Hint taken?

Mary, the assistant director, came to me a couple weeks back and said that the actresses playing Cruella Addams both had a conflict on the same night. (The shows at DSP are double cast.)  She asked if I would be willing to step in and learn the part.  I knew it would be a lot of work for only one night, but for some crazy reason I agreed to do it.

I spent the past week memorizing Cruella's lines and songs.  One of my fellow actors was so kind and stayed after our shows to rehearse with me.  Thank you, Anthony!  Even so, I was really nervous the night of the show and wasn't sure if I would remember even half of the lines.

Luckily, it turn out well.  There was only one "deer-in-the-headlights" moment when I had absolutely no idea what I was suppose to say.  I did forget a song lyric, but I made something up and it even rhymed.  Afterwards, the pianist's dad commented on what a good job I did.  He was so surprised when he learned I had just stepped into the role.  Success!

I had to take at least one photo so I could remember my one night stint as Cruella Addams.

Lets go to the movies!

Since moving to Utah, going to the drive-in movies has become a bit of a summer tradition.  It is a great way to spend a warm evening outdoors with family and friends.  It is so fun to load up the back of a car or truck with blankets, pillows, couches, and even Love Sacs (best ever!) and then grab a pizza or favorite snacks to enjoy during the show.  

Patrick and I recently saw AVENGERS at the Redwood Drive-In.  It was pretty much a perfect evening (except for the fact that the car battery died and sometimes the movie was so dark it was hard to see it on the screen).  

Patrick showing off our seating set-up.

One photo holding the camera ourselves because it's tradition.

We hit up WinCo before the movie.  I love that store so much!
I am glad Garrett works at the drive-in in Erda.  Out of sisterly obligations, I have to at least go to the movies one more time this summer. :)

26 days to go...

I am so, so, so excited.  In 26 days I will be heading home to beautiful Montana!  I cannot wait to see those glorious mountains, visit Andrew and his cute family, celebrate at Good Ole Days, and eat bison burgers and fry bread!  In order to make the days go more quickly, I put together a little countdown.

Let the countdown begin!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

We Love Our Ginger!

Two weeks ago we celebrated Garrett's 18th birthday.  It is hard to believe my youngest brother is that old! Allow me a moment to be sentimental... I remember the day Garrett was born quite vividly.  My mom was planning a home birth.  The midwife (half-jokingly) told my mom that there was one day close to her due date that would be inconvenient for her to deliver the baby.  Of course that was the day my mom went into labor.  My best friend Kelsey and her mom came over to help while we waited for the midwife to arrive.  Kelsey and I tried to be as helpful we could be- cleaning the house, decorating, and picking out baby names.  I was hoping for a sister so badly.  Apparently my mom was wanting a girl too because when the midwife announced the sex of the baby, my mom exclaimed, "Another boy?!"  However, I've since learned that being the only girl has its definite perks and Garrett is pretty great, so it all worked out.

The Birthday Boy!

The fam + Baby G. It was Garrett and Austin's first time meeting him.

Even though this post is about Garrett, I had to post some pictures of Grant too because he's just so cute.

I promise I did let the rest of the family have a turn holding Grant, too.

One last picture because babies love Austin.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Owl Forest

I may have mentioned once or twice that I love owls.  So it was only fitting that a little trip to the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park should be on my Bucket List.  Memorial Day was the perfect time to go.  The weather was warm and sunny and I had the day free from work.  Patrick has become my official bucket-listing partner so I was glad he had the day off too and was able to come along.

After a tasty breakfast at the Park Cafe, we made our way over to the Aviary.  Although I collect anything that has to do with owls, I truthfully don't know much about the actual birds.  Here are a few facts that I learned from my visit to the Owl Forest...

  • Owls' eyes are fixed in their sockets which is why they have to turn their entire head to look in a different direction.
  • Owls do more than just hoot-they make many different vocalizations.  There was an audio display that played various calls.  Patrick was pretty good at imitating them.  Maybe he'll demonstrate them for you sometime.
  • Contrary to popular belief, owls aren't particularly wise.  I was disappointed by this fact so I am choosing to not believe it.

My favorite exhibit at the Aviary was the flamingos.  I think it was Patrick's, too.  I mean, his shirt was the same color as the flamingos so how could it not be?!

Here is a snippet of an actual conversation that took place when Patrick and I sat down for a minute to take a break.

Me (taking out my camera): "What face should we make in this picture?"

Patrick: "What's wrong with taking normal pictures?"

Umm, we all know I rarely take "normal" photos.  Maybe one day I'll try.  For now, enjoy the following...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ugly Step-Sister 101

I love dressing up as a princess.  It is so fun to wear a big, fluffy dress, tiara, pretty shoes and act sweet and dainty.  However, I have to admit that playing Grizzila, one of the ugly step-sisters in the Children's Theatre recent production of CINDERELLA, was a great change of pace.  It was so liberating to portray a character so unlike real-life self.  I love making faces and this role provided me the perfect opportunity to put my ugliest ones imaginable to good use!

Anytime I would tell someone which role I was playing in CINDERELLA, they would act so shocked.  How could someone so cute and nice (their words, not mine) play someone so awful?  Well, let me tell you, getting ugly wasn't a difficulty at all.  I've never been able to get ready for a show so quickly in my whole theatrical career!

Here is little a step-by-step guide to becoming an ugly step-sister for all of my curious readers...

The "BEFORE" Photo

1. I always started with my hair.  Two ponytails with two braids each.

2. Wrap and Pin.

3. My eyebrows would vary each performance depending on my mood.  Some days  I would go for a uni-brow, other times I would make them dark and bushy.  Feel free to mix it up.

4. Ugly step-sisters should have obnoxious lipstick to accentuate their unflattering  facial expressions.

5. I used Ben Nye black-out to give Griziila a diastema, or gap tooth.  I think it was her best feature.

6. Big, big glasses and there you have it.  Who knew being ugly could be so easy?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Needles... Eek!

Here is a little list of things I'm scared of:
  • Heights
  • Needles
  • The big, black grasshoppers that recently infested our apartment
  • Needles
  • West Valley City
  • Needles
Ok, I'm sure that there are many other things I'm afraid that I didn't list, but I think I made my point... I am so, so scared of needles!!!  I believe this fear began in the fifth grade when we had our HepB vaccinations.  The nurse had to poke me over and over because she hard a difficult time finding a vein.  It was quite traumatic and I remember having to take a rest on one of the classroom beanbags after the whole experience. 

I've always liked the thought of doing something good for others and donating blood. However, since I almost cry every time I have to have blood drawn or get a flu shot, donating blood has just been a nice thought with no action.

That all changed when I made my bucket list.  I knew if I put donating blood on my list it would happen.  That said, I truthfully thought I would put it off until the end of the year when everything else had been accomplished and I had no other choice but to finally do it.  I was wrong!  When a Stake blood drive was announced last month I knew it was time.  I marked May 21st on my calender and there was no turning back!

I have to admit that the whole experience was a learning one for me.  Often we build things up in our minds to be one way, but in the end it turns out the complete opposite.  I really expected donating blood to be a long and painful process but it wasn't in the least.  The nurses were fantastic and I barely felt the needle.  10 minutes of squeezing the little ball and it was all over.  Then, I got to eat snacks and they had two of my favorites- Long Island Stretch Fruit Leathers and Annie's Organic Bunny Grahams!  On top of that, Patrick came along and kept me company the whole time (he sadly couldn't donate because of having recently travelled outside of the US).  Really, could I have asked for a more enjoyable evening?!

This is how I anticipated feeling while donating blood.  Don't you worry, this picture is very staged.  I think I ended up smiling most of the time.