Sunday, June 3, 2012

Needles... Eek!

Here is a little list of things I'm scared of:
  • Heights
  • Needles
  • The big, black grasshoppers that recently infested our apartment
  • Needles
  • West Valley City
  • Needles
Ok, I'm sure that there are many other things I'm afraid that I didn't list, but I think I made my point... I am so, so scared of needles!!!  I believe this fear began in the fifth grade when we had our HepB vaccinations.  The nurse had to poke me over and over because she hard a difficult time finding a vein.  It was quite traumatic and I remember having to take a rest on one of the classroom beanbags after the whole experience. 

I've always liked the thought of doing something good for others and donating blood. However, since I almost cry every time I have to have blood drawn or get a flu shot, donating blood has just been a nice thought with no action.

That all changed when I made my bucket list.  I knew if I put donating blood on my list it would happen.  That said, I truthfully thought I would put it off until the end of the year when everything else had been accomplished and I had no other choice but to finally do it.  I was wrong!  When a Stake blood drive was announced last month I knew it was time.  I marked May 21st on my calender and there was no turning back!

I have to admit that the whole experience was a learning one for me.  Often we build things up in our minds to be one way, but in the end it turns out the complete opposite.  I really expected donating blood to be a long and painful process but it wasn't in the least.  The nurses were fantastic and I barely felt the needle.  10 minutes of squeezing the little ball and it was all over.  Then, I got to eat snacks and they had two of my favorites- Long Island Stretch Fruit Leathers and Annie's Organic Bunny Grahams!  On top of that, Patrick came along and kept me company the whole time (he sadly couldn't donate because of having recently travelled outside of the US).  Really, could I have asked for a more enjoyable evening?!

This is how I anticipated feeling while donating blood.  Don't you worry, this picture is very staged.  I think I ended up smiling most of the time.

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