Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby G

Please welcome the newest member of the Jensen family... Baby G!!!

was born May 13th, 2012 (Mother's Day!) to my little brother, Jay, and his sweet wife, Aubrey.
He was 7 pounds and 20 inches long.

I met Grant for the first time last Sunday.  He is probably one of the most perfect babies I've ever seen, but with such attractive parents, how could he not be?!
He has thick, dark hair and flawless skin.  I couldn't really tell who he looks like, but Grant definitely has Jay's long arms.  Grant reminds me of a monkey. A very cute monkey, that is!

The proud papa!

I am so happy for Jay and Aubrey.  They are going to be such wonderful parents! I look forward to watching this little guy grow-up!

1 comment:

  1. yea! you got to see the little man! sorry we didn't get to visit on sunday. we were in billings.
