Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why I Love Weekends: Part II

Nicole's comment on my post, WHY I LOVE WEEKENDS, inspired this post.  Yes, I do love weekends because of all of the big, fun events that typically take place on them, but it is the little things that truly make them great.

The following are reasons Nicole believes I also look forward to Saturday rolling around. Hmm, let's see how well she knows me...


Nicole is absolutely correct.  I love the extra time the weekends give me to keep in touch with my amazing family.  You may wonder what this photo has to do with talking to/visiting family.  I'll tell you.  I'm a bit of a multi-tasker and I like to go for a walk when I'm making my Sunday calls.  My latest place to go walking is the Decker Lake behind my apartment.  It isn't very big, and it kinda smells, but I am just happy to have somewhere close by to go for some sunshine and exercise.


*A little side note: I love blogs with pictures so I try to include them lots in my own.  I wanted to make this post a sort of photo documentary of a weekend in the life of Mandi.  I had to use the self-timer on my camera or stretch out my arm as far as I could to take these photos.  They are so posed.  Haha. Feel free to laugh at them.  I did.

Once again, Nicole was right on with items #6 and #7.  I think blogs are such a wonderful way to keep up-to-date on what is happening in everyone's lives.  I am a very loyal follower of both Nicole and Aubrey's blogs!


Dear Nicole, This is where you are wrong.  This girl does not sleep in.  Between rehearsals, princess parties, early morning church, and trying to fit in some exercise or errands, sleeping in is just wishful thinking.  I'd say, "Maybe one day I'll sleep in," but I know from all of my friends who have children, once you have a family sleep is a just thing of the past.


I dream about Montana not only on the weekends, but also every single other day of the week.  To prove this, I've included a photo of my bathroom mirror.  Look closely and you will see my favorite postcard of the Mission Mountains.  I cannot wait to see those mountains (and all of you!) in person in just a couple of months.  I'm going to start an official countdown! 

Writing this post, I've thought of a million other reasons why I love weekends.  I might just have to post a Part III.  To get your week off to a good start, here's one last photo.  It's a full view of the Decker Lake.  Please picture me walking laps around it when we visit on the phone next! xoxo


  1. glad i was right some of the time! i guess sleeping in is all in how you define it. if i sleep until 8, that's sleeping in. i'm going to go see if anyone has called andrew now.

  2. I like the pictures! I agree they make the blog fun to look at and you are always so cute!! We were sad we didn't get to see you this weekend after your princess party! Hope you got that tire figured out- we actually woke up to a nail in our tire this morning! Boo. Cars are trouble.
