Sunday, June 17, 2012

We Love Our Ginger!

Two weeks ago we celebrated Garrett's 18th birthday.  It is hard to believe my youngest brother is that old! Allow me a moment to be sentimental... I remember the day Garrett was born quite vividly.  My mom was planning a home birth.  The midwife (half-jokingly) told my mom that there was one day close to her due date that would be inconvenient for her to deliver the baby.  Of course that was the day my mom went into labor.  My best friend Kelsey and her mom came over to help while we waited for the midwife to arrive.  Kelsey and I tried to be as helpful we could be- cleaning the house, decorating, and picking out baby names.  I was hoping for a sister so badly.  Apparently my mom was wanting a girl too because when the midwife announced the sex of the baby, my mom exclaimed, "Another boy?!"  However, I've since learned that being the only girl has its definite perks and Garrett is pretty great, so it all worked out.

The Birthday Boy!

The fam + Baby G. It was Garrett and Austin's first time meeting him.

Even though this post is about Garrett, I had to post some pictures of Grant too because he's just so cute.

I promise I did let the rest of the family have a turn holding Grant, too.

One last picture because babies love Austin.

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