Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Owl Forest

I may have mentioned once or twice that I love owls.  So it was only fitting that a little trip to the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park should be on my Bucket List.  Memorial Day was the perfect time to go.  The weather was warm and sunny and I had the day free from work.  Patrick has become my official bucket-listing partner so I was glad he had the day off too and was able to come along.

After a tasty breakfast at the Park Cafe, we made our way over to the Aviary.  Although I collect anything that has to do with owls, I truthfully don't know much about the actual birds.  Here are a few facts that I learned from my visit to the Owl Forest...

  • Owls' eyes are fixed in their sockets which is why they have to turn their entire head to look in a different direction.
  • Owls do more than just hoot-they make many different vocalizations.  There was an audio display that played various calls.  Patrick was pretty good at imitating them.  Maybe he'll demonstrate them for you sometime.
  • Contrary to popular belief, owls aren't particularly wise.  I was disappointed by this fact so I am choosing to not believe it.

My favorite exhibit at the Aviary was the flamingos.  I think it was Patrick's, too.  I mean, his shirt was the same color as the flamingos so how could it not be?!

Here is a snippet of an actual conversation that took place when Patrick and I sat down for a minute to take a break.

Me (taking out my camera): "What face should we make in this picture?"

Patrick: "What's wrong with taking normal pictures?"

Umm, we all know I rarely take "normal" photos.  Maybe one day I'll try.  For now, enjoy the following...

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