Sunday, June 24, 2012

The show must go on!

This summer I am performing in Desert Star's kooky production, "The Addam's Family Home Evening."  It is a hilarious show spoofing FHE and the Adam's Family (obviously).  I play a character named Heather Kingsley.  She is the pushy, yet pretty, fiance of Horace.  Horace falls in love with Dementia Addams and I spend the show trying to sabotage their relationship.  I love playing the villian! (Evil laugh).  If you are having a hard time following the plot maybe you should just get tickets and come see the show. Hint taken?

Mary, the assistant director, came to me a couple weeks back and said that the actresses playing Cruella Addams both had a conflict on the same night. (The shows at DSP are double cast.)  She asked if I would be willing to step in and learn the part.  I knew it would be a lot of work for only one night, but for some crazy reason I agreed to do it.

I spent the past week memorizing Cruella's lines and songs.  One of my fellow actors was so kind and stayed after our shows to rehearse with me.  Thank you, Anthony!  Even so, I was really nervous the night of the show and wasn't sure if I would remember even half of the lines.

Luckily, it turn out well.  There was only one "deer-in-the-headlights" moment when I had absolutely no idea what I was suppose to say.  I did forget a song lyric, but I made something up and it even rhymed.  Afterwards, the pianist's dad commented on what a good job I did.  He was so surprised when he learned I had just stepped into the role.  Success!

I had to take at least one photo so I could remember my one night stint as Cruella Addams.

1 comment:

  1. You are gorgeous with that evil wig on. I want to come see the play! I always love the Desert Star and seeing you is such a treat! Does the play go much longer?
