Sunday, December 21, 2014

Year of Dates: December

December marked our final "Year of Dates" date.
I wanted to make sure we ended with something extra special.
Every Christmas, we go and see the lights at Temple Square. I decided that for our final date, it would  be fun this year to view them from The Roof Restaurant. 

 The Roof is considered Utah's premier dining buffet. Perfect for a husband who loves food and a pregnant wife whose appetite has greatly increased!

 In addition to the fantastic food, we enjoyed the live music and the overall atmosphere of the restaurant.

 I could have filled up on the french onion soup and the creme brûlée alone.
So amazing!

 The whole experience exceeded Patrick's expectations. He was planning a return visit before we even got to dessert!

 I am now convinced this is the only way to see the lights.

I think it is safe to say that the "Year of Dates" was a huge success!
I can't think of a better gift than time with the person you love.

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