Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Gingerbread A-Frame

Building a gingerbread house each Christmas season is a fun tradition I so look forward to.
Most of the kits you see in stores basically have the same style house so I was so thrilled when Patrick and I spotted this charming kit at Trader Joe's...

 I've always loved the cute A-frames that you see in the ski towns and knew this was the kit we had to  buy this year.

 We decided to cheat a bit... We never eat our gingerbread houses so we hot glued the pieces together and then covered the seams with icing.  I wish we had thought of this brilliant idea sooner!

 The front view...
 And the back.
It isn't a complete project without our trademark "P+M."


  1. andrew chuckles every time he thinks about the McRib. we just saw a commercial for BK's yumbo sandwich from the 70's….andrew said it looked better than the McRib!

  2. P loves the McRib. I always know when McDonald's has them on the menu because Patrick will only wear this shirt when the "McRIb is back!"
