Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mamacita, It's Your Birthday!

It's this wonderful lady's birthday today!

We met up earlier this week to celebrate with a lunch date at The Cheesecake Factory.

It has been so nice to have a less hectic work schedule this school year.  It has allowed me and my mom to get together almost weekly to work on projects, go for lunch, or just sit and visit.
I can't wait until Baby Marks can join in on the fun. I know our little one is just going to adore his/her Nana Banana!

In honor of mom's birthday, here are some fun facts:

*Mom is known for her great legs.  When she started married life on the farm, she took it upon herself to name the horses.  One horse received the name "Nancy J" because horses have great legs, too!

*Mom is very athletic.  She could have easily pursued skiing or speed skating competitively, but in the end, she decided that a family was a much more important goal.

*Mom can hold Crow Pose as long as she pleases.  This yoga instructor still struggles to even balance in the pose for longer than a few seconds.

*When we were little, Mom used to make up and tell us stories about Lulu the Long-Arm Monkey.
Now, she is working to put the stories down on paper with illustrations so she can share them with the grandchildren or even have them published!

Love you lots, Mamacita!

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