Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thanksgiving Snapshots

Thanksgiving was extra special this year because the whole Jensen crew was able to be together.  This hasn't happened since our wedding two years ago.
I love these people so much! 

Here are some snapshots from T-day...
Baby E working on her solids. 
The nephews and nieces looove "Uncle G."
It was so cute watching all the cousins together.  This was Esther and Carlee's first meeting.
The kids all love the racetrack at Nana and Papa's.
Lots of time was spent playing (and fighting over) the track.
It was the best to just sit around and shoot the breeze, as Patrick would say.
Andrew's deer hunting story was epic!
That face! Aubrey, how do you get anything done? I would just want to pinch and kiss those sweet cheeks all day long...
Quincey and her long locks. She is looking so grown-up. 
The pies are always the highlight of Thanksgiving dinner.
Dad and Andrew are both amazingly talented in the pie baking department.
However, let it be know that these two boys thought my crustless pumpkin pie was the best!

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