Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Montana Jensens at the Zoo

Andrew, Nicole, and their three kiddos (The Montana Jensens, as Patrick and I like to call them)
made the drive down to Utah to celebrate Thanksgiving.
They stayed for a full week and it was the best being able to spend time with them on several occasions during their trip.

When they asked if I would like to spend the day with their family at the Hogel Zoo I could hardly contain my excitement.  I. Love. The. Zoo.  And since retiring as a nanny, I don't seem to go there much these days.
(Believe me, that will all change once Baby Marks arrives!)

The end of November may not seem like the ideal time to go to the zoo, but it turned out to be perfect.
It was so quite- it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.
There were no crowds to lose the kids in! No swarms of strollers to dodge!
The animals were all out and about and we could take our time watching them without worry about being in the way of other people.
And as long as your were bundled up, it didn't feel too cold.

Sterling, Quincey, Andrew, and Nana Banana checking out the new African Savanna exhibit.

Here's Sterling posing with the lions and showing off his best roar.

Doesn't Carlee's little hat remind you of a barn owl?

 I usually have a hard time getting decent photos of Quincey... She is always too busy to stop and look at the camera.  I was happy to get not one, but two good photos of her cute face and fun hair.

 Hooray for family outings!

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