Sunday, September 7, 2014

Keeper of the Gate


Well, my little summer job at This Is The Place came to an end on Labor Day.
My hope was by taking a break from teaching over the summer I'd be reenergized 
and excited to get back to it come September.  I can honestly say I am really
looking forward to the new school year!  I've cut back on the amount and 
different types of classes I'll be teaching and I know that will help me avoid
getting so overwhelmed and burnt out this time around.  

The above photos are from the very start of the summer.  It was my first day 
working the gate.  I thought Patrick would be impressed by how official I looked
with my walkie-talkie so I texted him the goofy photo of me. (He was impressed.)

By far my favorite thing about my TITP experience were the people- my fellow 
Heritage Singers, the guests, the adorable pioneer children. Everyone was 
so nice and friendly. And talented. And funny. I laughed a lot over the summer!

I feel lucky to have had so many great opportunities in my life! xoxo

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