Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Year of Dates: September

Ever since they introduced the GREENbike program to Salt Lake City, I'd been dreaming of a bicycling date with Patrick.  
We choose the perfect fall evening to venture around downtown. Our bike route started and ended at The Gateway with stops along the way at Cannella's for dinner, a walk around City Hall, and a quick peak into our favorite stores at City Creek.  Patrick and I both love all the beautiful homes and buildings that line South Temple so we made sure to take a quick detour in that direction, too. 

I always think I want to buy a bicycle and then I remember how bicycle seats are about the most uncomfortable thing ever.  I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the GREENbikes. 
No sore bums here! Hallelujah!

I had a moment of panic when we first started out... This farm girl has only ever biked over dusty country roads!  
Utah drivers are not exactly known for being patient and kind and I did not want to be that annoying bicyclist getting in everyone's way.
Luckily, that husband of mine has a lot of city cycling experience thanks to his mission so he was the perfect person to lead me through the busy streets and sidewalks.

We both enjoyed this date tremendously.  It offered the perfect opportunity to see our city from a new and fun perspective.  

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