Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Christmas in July 2014

Last year we celebrated 'Christmas in July.'
I was quite pleased when Patrick mentioned we should do it again this year.
I love the little traditions that have made their way into our married life!

Since we don't have a mantel to decorate, our bookshelf had to do...

As part of our celebration, we each find a simple and inexpensive gift for the other person.
I gave Patrick a "prairie diamond." The story goes that pioneers would bend a horseshoe nail into the shape of a ring to give to their sweetheart since real jewelry would have obviously been quite scarce on the trek across the plains.  Not sure if this is true or not, but I think it is terribly romantic!
Patrick gave me a plaque that states "I love you more." Very suiting as who loves who the most is a common argument in our home. ;)
And he gave me this silly rubber CTR ring. So funny that we both gifted each other rings!

Can I just say this little celebration made me want the real Christmas to be here already?
With the way time seems to fly around here, I'm sure December will be here before we know it...

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