Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hockey & Quinoa Sushi

Mom and I made plans to hang out on President's Day. I had been wanting to try a recipe I found for Quinoa Sushi and knew Mom would be the perfect person to cook and eat it with. The recipe can be found HERE. (I did make one alteration to the recipe. Instead of Agave Nectar, I used one packet of NuNaturals Stevia Powder.) This recipe was a hit! On Pinterest, I moved this from Recipes: To Try to my board Recipes: Keepers because it is one I see myself making over and over again.  The recipe is fairly easy (expect for the rolling... I don't have that part down yet) and healthy and filling. If you like either quinoa or sushi I highly recommend giving it a try!

After lunch, we headed over to the Maverick Center to watch the Grizzlies play a hockey game. Patrick found out Sunday night that he had President's Day off and we were happy to have him crash our girls' day. It was a good day. :)

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