Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2 Years!

One nice thing about being set-up on a blind date with your future husband is that you know the exact day you first met. Since Patrick and I are both on the sentimental side, it only seems fitting that we celebrate a "day-we-met anniversary" in addition to our wedding anniversary. (Oh, and we also celebrate the day Patrick proposed because that excitement happened on my birthday. We better be doing some celebrating on that day!)

For our "day-we-met anniversary," it has become tradition to eat at Kathmandu and see a show at the Off Broadway Theatre, just like we did on our first date.  I love looking back on that date. We had such a wonderful time. Why wouldn't we want to experience it over and over each year?!

My camera battery died and I really wanted to get a photo of our date. This blog has become a sort of journal/scrapbook for me where I try my best to document important happenings. I just got a new phone so we decided to try out its camera. I think I have that goofy expression on my face because I was so concerned whether we'd be able to get a decent cellphone photo or not...
Check out last year's "anniversary" date HERE.


  1. You so look like your mom! But before you have a chance to get offended, someone at the rods today said that Quincey could be my little twin sister!

  2. Now that I have short hair, I hear that all the time. I don't mind though... my mom is darling!
