Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One Year

On February 17, 2012 Patrick and I went on a blind date.  We had dinner at Kathmandu's and then saw our "matchmaker" Kimberly perform at the Off-Broadway Theatre in GLEEK SCHOOL MUSICAL.

Sunday marked one year of knowing each other.  Crazy, right?
Crazy because some days it feels like it was just yesterday that we met and crazy because mostly it feels like we've know each other forever.  I can't imagine life without Patrick!

Since the 17th fell on a Sunday this year, we decided to hold a two-part celebration.  Sunday night Patrick cooked a delicious dinner for our part-one.  It was his own twist on Chicken Parmesan.  I enjoyed every bite! (I also enjoyed every second relaxing in the living room after dinner because Patrick always insists on cleaning up when he cooks. So nice.)

We decided for Monday's part-two of the celebration it would only be appropriate to relive our first date!

Patrick outside of Kathmandu in SLC. It had just opened last year around the time of our first date.  We are super happy it is still open.  Restaurants tend to come and go pretty quickly these days.
This place is soooo good.  You should go!

Our server seated us at the exact same booth where we sat one year ago!  It felt like deja vu (especially because I'm almost certain that is the same shirt Patrick had on one year ago, too).

On our first date, we talked so long at the restaurant that we were late for the show! (Kim, if you read this, we are so sorry!)  The same thing almost happened again this year.  This was the best photo we could get due to being short on time.

Guess what?  I had almost given up on blind dates.  I'm so, so happy I agreed to go on one last one! I cannot wait to see what our second year together brings!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you went on one last blind date! You guys are cutie patooties!
