Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Year of Dates: February

I received the cookbook "Savoring the Season's with Our Best Bites" at my bridal shower. I remember looking at all the recipes later with Patrick. His eyes lit-up upon seeing a photo of Chunky Monkey Pancakes. I made a mental note to whip them up for him one day.  Here we are 15 months or so later and I finally had a perfect opportunity to do so.  For the Year of Dates gift I made Patrick for Christmas, I chose to serve Patrick breakfast in bed for February.

My makeshift breakfast tray. We had Chunky Monkey Pancakes, turkey bacon, Cutie oranges, and scrambled eggs. (The pancake recipe included how to make peanut butter syrup. Patrick loooooved it!)
Food = A Happy Husband
And a happy husband equals a happy wife.


  1. Looks good! Glad you guys like the cookbook!

    1. Thanks for the cookbook, Kayla. We use it often!

  2. well i'm not surprised! they are good and andrew likes them too.

    1. Any other favorite recipes from the cookbook? If Andrew likes something I think it's safe to say Patrick would like it, too!

  3. Replies
    1. Katie, Patrick is such a great guy. It is easy to want to do sweet things for him!
